User Guide for Edith
Brief Description
Edith is a Personal Assistant Chatbot that helps a user keep track of various tasks.
Key Commands for Edith:
Add a task
Delete a task
Done mark a task as completed
Find tasks with that given keyword
List out all tasks
High Priority set a task as high priority
List urgent task lists all the high priority tasks
Bye exits jarvis
How to executes those commands?
There are 3 types of tasks that you can add.- todo
todo [description]
Example:todo borrow book
Expected Output:
- deadline
deadline [description] /by [YYYY-MM-DD]
Example:deadline return book /by 2020-02-19
Expected Output:
- event
event [description] /at [a location or time]
Example:event Endgame Movie /at Vivocity
event return book /at 2020-04-20
Expected Output:
- todo
Removes a task by providing the task’s index. Task number starts from 1.
Example:delete 1
removes the task at index 1
Expected Output:
Mark a task as completed by providing the task’s index. Task number starts from 1.
Example:done 2
mark task at index 2 as completed
Expected Output:
Allows you to find all tasks with that given keyword in your listsOfTasks.
Example:find book
returns you only tasks with “book” in its description
Expected Output:
Lists all your tasks. Example:list
returns you all the tasks in your listOfTask
Expected Output:
high priorty
Sets the task of this index as high priority so you will be able to view it easily.
Example:highpriority 4
sets the task at index 4 as high priority.
Expected Output:
list urgent task
Lists only tasks that are marked as high priority
Example:list urgent task
returns a list containing of tasks that are high priority.
Expected Output:
Terminates the application
exits the program
Credit to Jeffry Lum for the fxml and java files for JAVAFX GUI - JavaFx TutorialPart 4.
Acknowledgements was adapted from However, I tweaked some components to cater to my own needs.
Thanos Image for GUI is from
Tony Stark Image is from
Edith Image is from
Solution for closing GUI window is adapted from